木户泉调味料 木户泉调味料完全按照日本传统精湛的酿造工艺,取优质大米精制后的米心为原料,经微生物发酵精酿而成。由微生物发酵精酿而成的木户泉调味料内含多种有益成份,使其在食品加工、餐饮、烹调中起到特殊的功效和作用。其一、内含丰富的氨基酸,起到助鲜、增鲜、增色、增香的作用。其二、内含多种酶系,对鱼、肉食品起到促软嫩、去腥除膻、改善口味的作用。其三、内含多种有机酸,不仅可以调节口感,而且具有杀菌、防腐、保质及延长保质期的作用。现今日本调味料不仅是日本民族不可缺少的调味品,同时也成为世界公认的高级调味料,因而被广为采用。餐饮业中,日本、西洋料理,韩国烧烤,中国的水饺,火锅调料等,日本调味料是最好的配料。在居家生活日常烹调中,日本调味料也是增加菜肴色、香、味不可缺少的调味料,比如在烧米饭时添加少许调味料可使米饭更加松软可口。我公司生产的“木户泉调味料”,严格按日本传统工艺生产,产品质量上乘。本公司可按用户要求调整产品质量指标,保证让用户放心满意。
 “木户泉调味料”主要成分酒精度: 14-15% 酸 度: 0.8-2.0%可溶性固形物Brix: 7-11% P H : 4.0-5.0 
KIDOIZUMI FLAVORING KITOIZUMI Flavoring is fermented by microbe with the material of quality choice rice kernel in Japan’s advanced traditional brewing technology. KITOIZUMI flavoring is rich with many useful components, which has special functions during food processing, food service and cooking. First of all the rich amino acid can add delicacy, luster ant scent to the food. Secondly, Ferments can make the fish or meat soft and tender, can get rid of the ugly smell of fish and animal meat so as to improve the taste. Third, the abundant organic acid can not only adjust to the delicacy, but have the functions of disinfecting, antiseptic, quality assurance. Up to now, Japanese flavoring is not only the necessary condiment for Japanese people, but also be recognized and widely used throughout the world. It’s the best seasoning used in Japanese and we stem cooking, Korean toasted food, Chinese dumpling and chafing dish, Even in house daily cooking, the Japanese flavoring is the utensil for improving the taste, luster, scent of the food, when cooking rice, adding the flavoring make the rice soft and mere delicious. KITOIZUMI flavoring is made strictly according to Japan’s traditional technology, so the product owns high quality. We can adjust to the product quality with our customers’ requirements, our purpose is do the utmost to the customers’ best satisfaction. KITOIZUMI flavoring ’s main components. Alcohol: 14~15% Acid: 0.8~2.0% Dissolubility solids Brix: 7-11% P H : 4.0-5.0
电话:0411-87661998 87662876 地址:大连市金州区站前街杨家村
大连木户泉酿造有限公司 版权所有 技术支持:信通科技 辽ICP备05006471号-1